I recently posted about my finished build, which already contains a fair number of 'boutique' parts, but I thought I'd start a new thread for upgrade questions.
My kit already contains:
- Neotech UP-OCC copper in PVC wiring in power supply and shunt regulator
- Jupiter cryogenic OCC 6N copper for signal wiring w/ silver input signal grounds (my experiments with interconnects suggest this is a killer combo)
- 'Upgraded' tube sockets (note to future builders: don't do this, the wiring will end up cockeyed)
- Vintage Soviet FT-3 Teflon caps (0.22uF) added to output*
- Top of the line KLEI low-mass SPC RCA jacks on input, DH Labs gold plated copper on output
- Boutique matched 47kohm 2W and 75kohm resistors on C4S board
*I am running Eros 2 into a 10kohm preamp (Schiit Saga), so the extra capacitance has most notably brought out a lot more kick/slam, along with impressive textural microdetail. I'm aware the low input impedance isn't ideal and will be constructing a cable with matched 10k resistors on the Saga end. I'm seriously eyeing Moreplay, which I assume will have a higher input impedance (any word on what this is expected to be?). Side note, since my speakers are highly sensitive and I'm running a 10WPC amp, I think the extra gain Moreplay would bring will be welcome.
With regards to future upgrades...
- I saw it mentioned somewhere in this forum that the 100uF/160V capacitor on the C4S board 'could be lower'. How much lower? Would an ~80uF PPE cap be too low?
- If one were to replace the 100uF/160V capacitor with a big ol' PPE cap, would there be any sense in removing/jumpering or upgrading the Z5U bypass?
- I've also seen it mentioned that it would be worthwhile upgrading the 0.1uF caps on the shunt regulator board. Does this just mean with fancier capacitors, e.g. paper-in-oil, or would a larger value be beneficial as well?
- I am curious if the kit could handle a 6SN7 in the output tube slot? I also have a Schiit Vali 2, and in tube rolling that, I picked up a socket saver and a 6DJ8 to 6SN7 adapter. I know the Vali 2 and the Crack kit can handle the 6SN7, but can the Eros?
- What about a 6SN7 in the shunt regulator? Probably pointless and asinine, but thought I'd ask anyway...

- Besides the caps in the shunt regulator, are there any other power supply upgrades that might be worthwhile? CREE diodes? Power cap bypasses? I was really pleased with the results of power supply upgrades with Crack (bypass caps, choke, CREE diodes), but I also understand that the shunt regulator may make similar upgrades pointless (hence Crackatwoa).
- Still trying to decide on a needle/cart, so the jury's still out with respect to the need for SUTs... how much space should I reserve just in case?
I am also planning on bypassing the 10,000uF/5V cap in the input stage with 1uF paper in oils (any point in seeking out matched pair here?), and the 0.01uF cap in the RIAA circuit with matched Audyn True Coppers (copper foil w/ 2% tolerance, which I saw mentioned elsewhere that
>3% was important here). Once finished, I think this thing is gonna be one hell of a phono preamp

I'd love the opportunity to compare it with commercial TOTL stuff to see how it would fare... my guess is very, very well.