SR45 - nice upgrade - MQ grid chokes

Doc B. · 33261

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Offline Doc B.

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on: October 31, 2009, 06:35:38 AM
We have been doing some organizing around here lately, and in the process I came across a pair of Mikey's BCP-16 GC NI nickel grid chokes, mounted to an old prototype chassis. I wanted to use them in my system somewhere and the only possible location was in my pair of SR45 tweeter amps, since the mids and woofers use 4 amps per channel. During some discussion it was suggested that there might not be much improvement had by replacing the grid resistor in the tweeter amp with the grid choke because most of the comments we see about grid chokes talk about bass improvement. My experience with grid chokes has been that there is an overall improvement in dynamic punch and liveliness, so I forged ahead and asked Shawn to install the chokes along with upgrading the existing Solen coupling cap to a Russian Teflon cap.

I guessed right. The system treble sounded good before. But the clarity, dynamic snap, and the levels at which we can now play the system without strain in the treble are greatly increased. This is a very worthwhile upgrade. The two holes that sit between the tube sockets normally mount some cathode resistors on a Paramount kit, which uses this same chassis. Some work with a rat tail file will lengthen the holes to fit the choke mounting holes and the BPC-16 will just squeeze in between the T strip next to the 45 socket and the SRC4S board on over the 6CM7 socket. One might be concerned about the possibility of hum pickup. In my application the output of the amp is cutoff by the use of a very small (.016uF) parafeed cap, which works in conjunction with an active crossover to give a steep slope on the RAAL ribbons. So if I was picking up hum, it wasn't getting out to the tweeters, and I can't say for sure if you would experience hum or not if you try this on a full range setup.

I should mention that I have also removed the cathode bypass resistor on the 45 since I am not looking for great bass or gobs of gain, and that we also upgraded the 1.3K sandcast cathode resistor to a pair of 680 ohm 6.5W Dale wirewounds.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
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Reply #1 on: October 31, 2009, 07:59:12 PM
I agree, I  recently added grid chokes to my full range SR-45, more snap throughout the whole range. I am using a Russian  K40, PIO coupling cap.
  I removed the cathode bypass cap and did not see any loss of gain. With the output transformer returned to the cathode, I don

John S.

Offline Paul Joppa

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Reply #2 on: November 01, 2009, 06:28:39 AM
  I removed the cathode bypass cap and did not see any loss of gain. With the output transformer returned to the cathode, I don

Paul Joppa

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Reply #3 on: November 01, 2009, 06:31:05 PM
Thanks Paul,  That makes sense, no way do my speaks do 20-30 Hz. Even "hot swapping "a cap on one channel made almost no difference. I will keep it in mind if I try to run a truly full range speaker

John S.

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Reply #4 on: November 02, 2009, 08:07:54 AM
Thats exciting Doc! I tried mounting a pair in my Paramounts unsuccessfully. My SR45 sounds so good I am afraid to change anything! lol. I will try the grid chokes in there though.

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Offline Grainger49

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Reply #5 on: November 02, 2009, 11:48:52 AM
Bwa, Ha, Ha, Ha! (I had to spell it out)  I just went to MQ's site and looked at the BCP-16 specs.  Tip O' the hat to Mikey!

Doc, do you think there would be an improvement on my old Paramour 1s?

I accept that it is your guess but I trust you.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 04:41:33 AM by Grainger49 »

Frank Mena

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Reply #6 on: November 03, 2009, 03:11:36 AM

                                   > H              DC resistance (Ohms)
BCP-16 GC M6                >1,000          3,850
BCP-16 GC NI NICKEL       >2,000          3,850
BCP-16 GC HN HI NICKEL  >3,000          3,850

An earlier post from Paul Joppa on  determining which Grid Choke to use

Posted by Paul Joppa on October 28, 2000 at 08:51:07
In Reply to: Parameters for grid chokes-for Gordon or anyone. posted by Adrian on October 27, 2000 at 18:38:38:

There's not much information out there because there's not much experience yet, at least within this audio community. There is no way I know of to get a 100% reliable value, and guarantee you won't want to try another value later.
Basically, the grid choke has to present a high impedance to the previous stage. It replaces the grid leak resistor. As a rough estimate, to get adequate bass you want at least 4 henries for each 1000 ohms of the resistor it replaces. So for example if it replaces a 100k resistor, you want at least 400 henries.

To keep this reasonable, you should first figure out the smallest grid leak resistor that you can use - otherwise the grid choke becomes bigger than necessary. That depends on the driving circuit. As a very rough estimate, if the driver is a triode, take its plate voltage divided by its plate current. For example, a 6SN7 operating at 250v and 8mA has a ratio of 250/0.008 or 31k ohms. The minimum grid choke on the driven stage would be 125 henries. This is a pretty crude approximation, but at least it's easy to calculate.

A higher inductance will give better bass, but it might have a higher capacitance which will limit the treble. So you don't want a choke much bigger than the minimum needed for decent bass. I've not seen a grid choke with a capacitance specification, so that's not as useful an observation as you might hope. I suppose that if the capacitance is smaller than the Miller capacitance of the driven stage, it will probably not have too bad an effect, but again it is dependent on the specific circuit.

Offline Grainger49

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Reply #7 on: November 03, 2009, 03:19:21 AM


I don't want to skid this thread sideways I will start a post on the Legacy Products section but will include a link to this post. 

I'm just trying not to muck up the system Doc et al are using.

The thread is (EDIT: no longer) here:,132.0.html
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 10:28:40 AM by Grainger49 »

Offline tsingle999

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Reply #8 on: May 27, 2015, 09:35:23 AM
Ok I ended up buying this amp. I am a sucker for these sr-45's. Hope BH makes one soon. 
So I got the amp in the system and it sounded really good next to my current sr-45's (premium tubes and mq). I mean really good. The circuit and m6 mq iron is phenomenal. Just a bit shy in the bass but they still have remnants of being used as a tweeter amp. I switched out the 3uf of caps for 6.8uf. This helped a lot.
So I was looking at the circuit under the hood and comparing it to mine and the parts drawing I got from Al S. The obvious differences are no 100uf cathode bypass cap, only 2 47uf ps caps instead of 3 and resistors soldered from the iron tabs to the speaker jacks (not sure what those do?).
Anyway I was thinking that I could perform some experiments with this amp: swap in some 100uf cathode bypass caps - i do have a pair of 68's but 350v? so I might throw them in first.
I was also thinking of changing the last electrolytic to a film cap.
Any other ideas?

SGC iTransporter with Qobuz & Roon to SIg Optical Rendu to BH DAC (Battery) / Wavelegth Crimson to BeePre to 300b(ehemoths) to Cain & Cain & Blumenstein Double Horn IM Ben
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Offline debk

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Reply #9 on: May 27, 2015, 02:03:54 PM
The grid chokes sound nice in the SR-45.  When I built mine I put them in


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