OK, I think I'm good here, but just want to check to make sure I haven't missed anything. THANK YOU so much for your generosity and patience in walking me through this, Paul! You are the best!
I replaced the blown resistors on the left power supply, all of the transistors on the left side board, and both the transistors on the shunt reg board on the A side. I deduced that I had taken out the A side of the shunt reg board in addition to the left board during my little smoke event because there were some asymmetrical resistances when I compared the A and B sides of the shunt reg board (and hence asymmetrical resistances when I compared the left and right C4S boards relative to the bus ground). These became more normal when I replaced the Shunt reg A side transistors (but not identical - if I ground at the ground bus, on the shunt reg OA reads 80 kOhms, while OB reads 147kOhms; all other readings were identical across the boards).
I figured this was close enough to start measuring voltages - the shunt reg board read exactly what it read when it was working before (Krega 1.9, IA 213, OA 154, KRegB 1.8, IB 212, OB 150); there is some minor variance in the left and right boards that I (hope) is just variance:
left -
IA - 150
OA - 75
IB - 0
OB 75
IA - 150
OA - 71.5
IB - 0
OB - 71.5
I took all the other voltages in the manual, and they are dead on. I am TERRIFIED of smoking this again, but I think I am ready to go? Thanks again for your help with this Paul - and I wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving!
Bob D
Rega P2, Cosecant DAC, Reduction, EFP III, Paramount V1.0 + soft start, Omega CAMs + DeepHemp 8s