Newer Hifiman phones

Chris45set · 8844

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Offline Chris45set

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on: November 08, 2020, 07:28:48 AM
Any opinions on the newer series of Hifiman phones (Sundara Ananda or Arya)?
I see mention of the HE400 and HE560 series but these are older.
I have a pair of un-modded HD650 Sennheiser from 2006 and was considering an additional pair of headphones.
Running ripped CDs at 44.1/24 bit and ripped LPs at either 88k or 96k 24 bit into Pi2aes to Bifrost2 to S3X amp.
I read in an older post that anything Hifiman is good driven by S3X.
Since I am working from home for the foreseeable future I tend to listen at lower volume levels now.
Any opinions or recommendations are appreciated.
I love the sound of this amp and want something to make it shine.
Thanks for your time and attention.

Offline Happy Ghost

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Reply #1 on: November 17, 2020, 04:33:38 AM
I will be encountering the very same dilemma soon.. Hopefully by next week my S3X kit is done :) Torn between whether to get a higher end Grado headphone or one of the HiFiMan ones.. Life is a box of headphones :)
