Thanks for the positive words! And, just wait until the parts are broken in!!
Seriously, many people find that caps and transformers actually get a little worse over the first 10 hours or so, sounding thin and weak - kind of constricted, if that means anything. Then it opens up, often seemingly in steps, until 50 hours of music have passed. It will open a bit more after than, and exotic caps can take longer, but that's been my most common experience.
It was some 16 years ago that Dave D. first made a 6DN7 amp, slapping it together at a VALVE club meeting, and it blew us all away. It morphed into the first Bottlehead product, and we've always had a great fondness for this tube. I call it the "poor man's 45". There was actually a run on the tube, and prices got pretty high, after the first SEX amp became popular; fortunately the tides of fashion have drifted in other directions since and there's a pretty reliable supply of them out there these days.