New Bottlehead Speakers

Deluk · 8925

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Offline Deluk

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on: February 27, 2021, 03:31:09 AM
Recently Doc had a poll about potential new products. For me, what was missing was a set of smaller speakers. Yes I know that from a business point of view a large deluxe set can potentially be more profitable. The Jagers are a good choice for those with space and the money. Those a bit further down the ladder would appreciate I think, a pair with similar characteristics but smaller and cheaper. Perhaps with a higher WAF. Yes, off the shelf options are usually recommended and I'm sure they work well. They are not however "family". How about it Doc and Team? A $1000 set?

Offline bernieclub

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Reply #1 on: February 27, 2021, 03:55:15 AM
I almost mentioned this when the poll for new products was underway.    I've been craving a single woofer, stand mount version of the Jager...willing to sacrifice 3 or 4db.

Bernie Zitomer

Offline Paul Joppa

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Reply #2 on: February 27, 2021, 05:46:31 AM
A single-woofer Jäger would not be much less - crossover cost would be the same, and the box nearly the same.

I have some ideas to explore though - I'd love to have a speaker (and an amp!) to go with Moreplay. Maybe something like the old S.E.Xy Speaker idea:

Bass down to 100Hz (so a small box but still efficient), buy your own sub if/when you want more.

Paul Joppa

Offline Jamier

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Reply #3 on: February 27, 2021, 06:16:21 AM
     If you can live with 90-92 dB efficiency, you could build some MTMs with any number of readily available woofers that will get you to that 90+ dB level. Many designs with 7 1/2 inch woofers will come in around 1 cubic foot, which will stand mount easily.


James Robbins

Offline bernieclub

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Reply #4 on: February 27, 2021, 10:52:49 AM
I hadn't considered the cost being so similar, so maybe not such a good idea.   I'm curious about the planer tweeter in particular having only played with domes in the past.    Lots of crazy ideas spinning in my head about MTM designs, but I really think I need something competently designed, with low power tubes in mind, as my own DIY attempts have been meh....damn crossovers.    The designs I'm finding are relatively low efficiency and dip below 4ohms.   Maybe I should consider active crossovers to sidestep my lack of expertise.   Another rabbit hole, LOL

Bernie Zitomer

Offline Jamier

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Reply #5 on: February 27, 2021, 07:57:36 PM
4 ohms isn’t a problem for a BH amp. If you want an 8 ohm design you could go with one of the builds designed around the Beta 10 CX. Around 94 dB efficient, but it will be large, 1 1/2 ft3. Still stand mountable. A Coax can sound so good and the 10 CX is very affordable. Google Osprey II. It is a very good design. It works extremely well with an SII. For best results you will want a sub, the 10CX needs a little help on the low end. It is a midwoofer with the emphasis on mid-. What it lacks in the low end, it more than makes up for it in vocal reproduction. A very good value.This will give you the chance to experience a compression driver. I know it’s not a ribbon, but it’s not a conventionally mounted dome. I was very impressed with it.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2021, 08:02:37 PM by Jamier »

James Robbins

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Reply #6 on: February 28, 2021, 01:36:08 AM
My suggestion wasn't meant to request a poor man's Jager. The expensive tweeter and the expensive woofers, if they are expensive ones, weren't considered as being used in the new unit. Lots of cheap to modestly priced ready to go and DIY ones are recommended but most of them require something that most BH amps don't have, and that's watts RMS. Something easy to drive and with efficiency in the mid to upper 90's range is needed. As little as possible for the cross over. (cheap!) Compromised bottom end maybe but not to the extant that the need for a sub is obvious. We don't all want to major in Drum and Bass or shake the windows with Widor's 5th organ symphony. I just a have a crack and use a pair of Klipsch Quartets with my Quad II valve amps and don't feel left out, but they are 15w max/channel.

Offline bernieclub

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Reply #7 on: February 28, 2021, 01:52:44 AM
The Osprey II looks very interesting, as well as a handful of other designs on the ampslab website...lots of reading to do!

Bernie Zitomer