Hi Paul - Wow, what a difference it makes to have a second pair of eyeballs looking over the photos! After-routing the resistor in question, and reflowing & augmenting the solder joints, the voltage readings are (almost) all as expected.
The only discrepancy is at terminals 44 & 45, where the readings have been 76 volts, rather than zero. It appears that other builders have encountered this, and your advice has been to run the preamp for 50 hours, to allow the tubes to burn in. Am I reading this correctly?
It will be a few days before the interconnects, to connect the Reduction to the Moreplay, arrive, so I won't be in any hurry to put this to the test. Nevertheless, it will be great to get the Bottlehead components connected to the Hafler power amp that I assembled in 1985 (and the 1980 vintage Linn LP12 that I've rehabilitated). At some time, I'll also be curious to place (temporarily) the Crack into this setup.
A thousand thanks for your assistance getting things into order.