My Tang Band W8-1772 Build

JimOfOakCreek · 33565

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Offline howardnair

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Reply #15 on: December 11, 2010, 03:46:57 AM
yes BSC-- i have no love for acronyms--i have plastered for 36 years-but had a stint working part time for usairways as ramp ticket etc--sooo!! tell the pic that there will be a change in the ETD and tell the FA that the gsc needs to talk about the load --tell the captain he won't be leaving for awhile and tell the copilot come out here there is aproblem with some bags-crikey!!--the last couple of speakers i built--the woofer/fullrange was off center as was the tweeter to the side opposite-
this a interesting article by morgan jones--arpeggio speaker--about baffle diffraction-paul joppa has written  articles also-so far i have not attempted a bsc --run straight to the fullrange and a cap for the tweeter with a attenuator-why --because i read too damn much and it was making me uncomfortably crazy-you know -could I -should I-what if i do what if i dont-well maybe i will-1st -2nd thrd-etc order crossovers right after reading keep it simple stupid-every time i think i weaken the team

Offline Mike B

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Reply #16 on: June 03, 2013, 04:59:41 PM
I put my W8-1772's in a smaller box, 25 liters, so I could fit them at the wall-ceiling boundary.  I used a 3"diameter x 4" long port side vented into the boundary.  The boundary gain compensates for the higher tune quite nicely.  The close miked peak out of the port was 72 Hz.


Works good.  Helps the bass, but not one note or boomy.

I have the speaks bolted to boards on a circle pattern that are hinged to the wall and allow me to tilt and rotate to my hearts desire.


I use only a modest zobel, the lightest one I found on the web, 3.3 uf in series with 17 ohms.  It just flattens the impedance curve and takes the edge off. 

Works very well.  A lot of driver for the buck. 

Far away from the bleeding edge

Online Paul Birkeland

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Reply #17 on: June 03, 2013, 05:22:20 PM
I would do an L-R trap on the Tang for sure, but treat it as a filter for rising response rather than just baffle step.  You could do the RL trap for the rising response, then play with the active BSC if you need a little more response tailoring.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 04:56:15 AM by Caucasian Blackplate »

Paul "PB" Birkeland

Bottlehead Grunt & The Repro Man

Offline Mike B

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Reply #18 on: September 08, 2013, 07:12:08 AM
I added a little BSC to the filter.  Started with .5 mH shunted with 3 ohms.  Sucked the life out of the music.  But I did like the smoothness and thought about one third the effect would be good.

So I built up a new filter, .15 mH 18g inductor with a 1 ohm shunt.  Perfect, I'm done - :)


Listened to it for 3 hours last night and I like it.  Adds smoothness but does not "suck" - :)

I am going to glue it to the back of the box.


Far away from the bleeding edge

Offline Grainger49

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Reply #19 on: September 08, 2013, 08:33:21 AM

The audiophile thing to do would be to put it in a separate box, on spikes, filled with sand or better glass beads, sealed with potting wax (or whatever potting is) and connect it with wire made of unobtanium. 

The picture looks good to me.  My builds are often, "Looks bad, sounds good!"  my Eros is the exception.