Hello all -
I just today completed my Crack build. All of the voltage tests checked out, the tubes and LEDs all lit up, etc. etc., so I was expecting glorious sound when I plugged in my headphones. What I got instead was barely audible, weak, thin sound from both channels with the volume pot maxxed out.

These are the troubleshooting steps I've taken so far, all to no avail:
• Made a visual inspection and touched up a few questionable solder joints.
• Swapped in a known good 12AU7 tube.
• Compared my build to the image of the completed chassis in the instruction manual - everything looks correctly assembled.
• Went step-by-step through the entire manual to make sure I installed everything correctly - no mistakes found.
• Finally, as a last resort, I reflowed nearly every solder joint I could access, just to be on the safe side.
I'm at a loss here... What else I can check to try and narrow this down? Could it be something as simple as a bad power tube?
Thank you in advance...