Hi dear Bottlehead team,
Does it make sense to build a 300B/2A3 headphone amplifier? Have you ever considered this?
What niche, benefits or drawbacks will it have? Tube price is one drawback for sure, this . Or is it just an overkill to put a tube like that just for headphones?
Some manufacturers produce really luxury amps with 300B/2A3: Cayin HA-300 300B, Eddie Current – Studio, Manley Labs – Neo-Classic, Woo Audio WA5-LE and WA-33, Ampsandsound Agartha 2.0.
I can see traces of this discussion on other topics, but I cannot find a dedicated discussion.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2021, 06:17:37 AM by ipetruk »
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