Hi! First time building a kit like this. Assembled it a few days ago, passed the resistance check and voltage check. The amp worked and sounded really great, there was some electronic noise that I noticed that I assumed was due to a few sloppy soldering joints on my part, I tried to fix them up but now I can only get sound out of the left channel, there is no sound out of the right. I went back to basics and re-did the resistance check, all the terminals measure fine except for 6 and 8 which measure above zero ohms now. 6 measures essentially as infinity and 8 measures as 2.9 which I though was extremely strange. In addition to that the second led on a8 does not light up anymore. I've tried re flowing joints, adding solder, taking away solder with my desoldering pump, I've been doing this for the past two days with no luck, needless to say I'm completely stumped. If you guys can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Let me know if there is any more info, pics, and measurements that you might need to help me figure this out.