3-D printed speaker

debk · 16644

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Offline debk

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on: March 30, 2022, 12:37:13 AM
Just for kicks I 3D printed a speaker design I found on Thingiverse, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4750820

I used Fostex Fe103NV's as the drivers and printed the parts with Atomic Extreme Carbon PETG.  I printed them at a fairly high infill of 60%.  This made for a fairly dense cabinet but a very long print, about 90 hours for the body.  They actually sound much better than I thought they would.

So far, I have just printed one speaker, printing the second on now.  I'll post a picture of the cabinet without the side panel when it finishes printing.


« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 11:37:44 AM by debk »

Debra K

Eros 2Phono amp
BeePre2, Psvane ACME 300b
Kaiju, Linlai Elite  300b
Monamour 2a3 amps various tubes
Sota Sapphire, Pete Riggle Woody Tonearm, Kiseki Purpleheart Cartridge
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Offline kgoss

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Reply #1 on: March 30, 2022, 05:27:37 AM
Wow, thanks for posting this Debrah.  I never thought about buying a 3D printer before, but these projects are starting to change my mind.  It looks like a great way to build prototypes of any idea you come up with.  Plus it appears a lot more fun to play with than I imagined. 

Ken Goss

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #2 on: March 30, 2022, 05:33:17 AM
Very cool. Waiting for the 3D printed vacuum tube.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
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Reply #3 on: March 30, 2022, 07:28:23 AM
My goodness, you are a busy bee! Between kit building of all sorts, firing off high powered rockets and three D printing of turntables and speakers... the list goes on.
Amazing! Keep it up! Bottlehead forum readers like me enjoy the posts!

300B amps with 6SJ7 in Triode mode, dc fil. volt. for 300Bs. BeePre with Bill Milosz built Eros Phono. Teres Turntable, Pete Riggle "12 inch Woody Tonearm" Grace F9  with Soundsmith ruby cantilever stylus.Cambridge Audio CD with MHDT Labs Orchid DAC Rega NAOS Spkrs, Atelier Rullit super tweeters

Offline caffeinator

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Reply #4 on: March 31, 2022, 03:59:16 AM
Debk, you are an inspiration - I am trolling thingiverse at the moment, looking for speakers to give my dusty 3D printer something to do.

Did you print the sides in a different color of the same material, or was that painted?

Offline debk

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Reply #5 on: March 31, 2022, 02:22:46 PM

The sides were printed in a different color

Debra K

Eros 2Phono amp
BeePre2, Psvane ACME 300b
Kaiju, Linlai Elite  300b
Monamour 2a3 amps various tubes
Sota Sapphire, Pete Riggle Woody Tonearm, Kiseki Purpleheart Cartridge
Rega P6 Ania Pro cartridge
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Reply #6 on: April 01, 2022, 09:08:19 AM
Hi Debk,

Thank you for the info - that color looks great and an attractive contrast with the black.

Turns out I have a few NOS Radio Shack 40-1197's in my stash...they were rumored, back in the day, to be identical to the FE-103, and thus a bargain-basement knockoff, though the similarities may be just the basket and frame. Good luck for me in any event, since that may mean they'd drop in to the FE-103-sized trim rings, and be a plug-n-play.

I'm printing a trim ring now to check for fit. Thanks again for the inspiration!

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Reply #7 on: July 06, 2022, 08:54:57 AM
  I just ordered a #D printed gear for my lawn tractor. One question that I asked was what actual material is it made from. Turns out to be Nylon 12, whatever that is. Even though you supplied the printing material used, can you describe if it seems to be a softer type of material or harder? And I bet there is a lot of material used in just one cabinet. Overall, I bet that the cost is worth it, but am a bit curious about that as well.