The latest manual is dated 8-31-22.
We will definitely not be adding a voltage and resistance check at each step. If all the connections required for a proper measurement aren't soldered, the odds are that the voltage and/or resistance measurements will be off until that happens, so doing something like this would have our customers chasing down problems that don't exist. Typically we will add a resistance check if there are a lot of resistors that look the same going in the same area, as it's easy to mix up parts like that. In the Moreplay, all the resistors look completely different from each other (intentionally), so these kinds of accidents are less likely to happen.
The three wires aren't super easy to fit in the pot lug, but running three wires through a pot lug has been a step in constructing the Crack for about 18 years without too much fanfare.
70V remaining in the power supply given the capacitance would be enough to hurt something like a hamster, but touching that as a human with all the series resistance in the power supply is going to give a mild tingle at most.
There are oodles of pages about stripping CAT5 wire. Some find it pretty easy to just use fingernails to pinch the jacket and pull it off.
We'll get that rotary switch verbiage patched up in the next revision.