Having a hard time finding the short circuit issue. I trimmed most of the protruding wire, but still the same problem. Used a magnifying glass to see if Terminal 7 was in anyway touching the screw beside it and it did not show any part touching it. I measured the lower lug between terminal 7 and terminal 8 which also showed it was also 0. So I thought maybe this was causing it, Tried to remove the wire, but because I crimped it before I had a hard time removing it. I just stopped and will ask a friend with better skills than me to remove it.
Just a quick observation, the lower lug is still stuck but almost out, I measured Terminal 7 again and somehow it became 5 Kohm, it was a sigh of relief. Unfortunately after few minutes I measure Terminal 7 again and it is again at 0. Not really sure what's causing the short. I already turned the aluminum chassis upside down and tapped into it thinking maybe something stuck in between but nothing fell out. Terminal 8 to twelve also looks fine though. Can it be a problem of other terminals?