I sat down at my desk and when I grabbed my headphones there was a tiny static shock at the headphone jack and a loud pop that seemed to maybe come from the can and not the amp. Since then ive had no sound in my right ear despite swapping tubes. I checked my old schiit magni and all works as normal so the headphones are fine.
I do not see any burn marks, did not see any smoke, and there is no smell on the crack. I see no blown up resistors, no bulging caps, nothing looks out of the norm but there is no sound from the right ear. What could this be? I have had a lot of headache so far between microphonic tubes, interference with this amp that i didnt have on other amps and despite now taking extra precautions to remove said interference, and now this i guess grounding issue?

edit: found this scorched looking LED that definitely is not from initial solder work. Where could I find a replacement and how can I prevent this going forward? My floor is wood and I don't shuffle my feet lol. I use the provided cables with my dt1990s and stuff as well.