Soldering Liz Conductors

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Offline sl-15

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on: December 29, 2022, 01:20:19 PM
I always enjoyed making my own interconnect cables and would like to use some Cardas Crosslink wire for my next RCA. Their liz wire requires a solder pot. While solder pots can be had for little money a 2 lbs Cardas solder bar is pretty pricey and will be lasting for generations unless I go into production. So that seems like overkill for making a few interconnects. There are some great tips about how to solder liz wire without a solder pot on Kevens KabUSA website But I am not sure if this will all be too much hassle for a bulk wire that is already pretty pricey to begin with. Maybe cheaper bar solder will be fine?
Has anybody here tried to solder liz wire without a solder pot? Or knows of a service that makes cables to order?
Any input greatly appreciated. Best, Stefan

Stefan Hampel
Soundsmith Carmen, modded Technics SL-1200mkII, Thorens TD 125 mk2 with SME V, Eros, Extended Foreplay III, BeePre2, Crack, Pioneer Spec 4, Sonus Faber Electa

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Reply #1 on: December 29, 2022, 01:58:24 PM
In my opinion Litz in audio is not necessary as the Litz design was designed for much higher frequency transmission where the 'skin effect'
becomes a problem. From 20-20KHz no need to use Litz. In the past I was interested in crystal radios and antennas and Litz was all the rage. Some manufactures use a coating that they claim can be soldered b conventicle means and others required dipping into a solder pot. Personally I would not use Litz strand wire for audio use. As an aside when it comes to uhf transmission the transmission is infact a hollow tube. Just one old dudes opinion.

Lee R.

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Reply #2 on: December 29, 2022, 04:24:26 PM
When I had to deal with enameled wire a lot, I would just use a tiny blowtorch to quickly burn it off. 

Paul "PB" Birkeland

Bottlehead Grunt & The Repro Man

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Reply #3 on: December 29, 2022, 04:49:09 PM
The little 50mm solder pots certainly don't require 2lbs of solder. I would imagine that a 1/4 lb of 60/40 would give you enough depth to tin stripped wire ends. Don't forget a sacrificial flat screwdriver or similar tool for skimming off the dross between dips.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
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Reply #4 on: December 29, 2022, 05:32:21 PM
I have used a fired 45 cal shell as a mini soldier Pot just set on an electric hot plate. Doesn't need much solder. I bet something like a small copper pipe cap would work...John

John S.

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Reply #5 on: January 04, 2023, 03:47:49 PM
Thanks everybody for the tips and suggestions. I ordered the wire and will see how this goes once I find some time to work on some new interconnects.

Stefan Hampel
Soundsmith Carmen, modded Technics SL-1200mkII, Thorens TD 125 mk2 with SME V, Eros, Extended Foreplay III, BeePre2, Crack, Pioneer Spec 4, Sonus Faber Electa