Ok, this is not at all what I was expecting... As Herb Reichert once said, I never met a 2a3 I didn't like. Well, I had always heard that these were good little amps, and very good for the money, but... I was not expecting them to be this good! I was listening with one Fi and one Paramour, and tomorrow will get the second working. Had a little problem with one amp in that when I turned it on, it gave a faint hum, a mild pop, and then a very strong 60/120 hz hum, and no residual music iunderneath, and the hum balance pot had no effect. Ok, open input, I figure. Took the amp out and put it back on the desk, flipped theplate over, and sure enough, a broken lead on the center pin of the RCA. soldered it back and the same thing. Jumpered itto ground and no hum, so I'm guessing that the RCA is bad somehow, so tomorrow I'll reaplace it with one of the leftovers from the s.e.x. or crack kits and then see what happens.
Back to the listening... Could these actually be resolving more and with a cleaner, airier top end than my Fis? Perhaps, but that will have to wait until I have both amps playing together. So, maybe there a bit more plummy in the bass, but they seem to go as deep, and the soundstage and ambient cues are as good (maybe better?) Hmmm, need more time, but I'm more than impressed at this poin.
And one final thought for tonight -- these are supposed to be "noisey" amps, relatively speaking of course. Well, with the hum pot dialed in they are as good or better than the Fis, but more 120 hz than the 60 hz of the Fis -- but certainly quiet enough for comfortable, effortless listening.
And the Paramounts go further up the scale than these? Hmmm, this isn't supposed to happen -- the original paramour II kit cost less for the pair than a single OPT
on my Fi amps.
BTW, the JJ 2a3-40 sounds lovely in these.
-- Jim