Hi Gerry, thanks for your reply

1) Yes, the intention is to run them open baffle. I don't have PAP frames nor their baffles. I bought the raw OB drivers directly from PAP back when they were still available as a line item.
2) I have the Eminence 60x40 exponential wave guides.
3) Once I finish prototyping, I have all the wood, equipment and needed skills to make the frames/baffles myself.
4&5) I happen to have an 800Hz active crossover.
SPL Mismatch:
I've been bi-wiring the Stereomours hoizontally and using their attenuator to match SPL. I don't usually consider vertical bi-amping because in my environment it would mean line level runs in excess of anything I'd be comfortable with.
Other questions I have with regard to high SPL speakers include: What can I expect in terms of background noise? Will the choice of interconnects/lengths become more critical? Will I need to pay more attention to power conditioning? Device placement? Cable runs? Does microphony become an issue?
Right now, I'm at the prototyping stage and looking at various configurations.