Here is my system....

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on: August 29, 2023, 09:08:18 AM
and soon I will add the Moreplay as preamp, and if everything is going right the Eros 2.

Cheers from Fla.

Offline Paul Birkeland

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Reply #1 on: August 29, 2023, 03:00:03 PM

Paul "PB" Birkeland

Bottlehead Grunt & The Repro Man

Offline hmbscott

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Reply #2 on: August 29, 2023, 08:50:27 PM
It's gorgeous! And, way out classes my system. But I do have an Eros II and a Moreplay, both of which I love, and had a bit of fun with modding the builds.

[U-Turn Theory > Hana MH > Eros II] & [iPhone via USB > Denafrips Ares 2] >> Moreplay >> Stereomour II >> Hsu ULS-15 Sub >> DIY DML Speakers
Moreplay 2nd out >> [Crack + Speedball > HD 650]


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Reply #3 on: August 30, 2023, 01:34:00 AM
Thanks, Paul!

It's gorgeous! And, way out classes my system. But I do have an Eros II and a Moreplay, both of which I love, and had a bit of fun with modding the builds.
Thank you for your pictures, really nice set you have, I would like to know more about the upgrades if it's possible.

Cheers from Fla.

Offline AllenS

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Reply #4 on: August 30, 2023, 03:39:45 AM
Very nice builds!

Offline hmbscott

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Reply #5 on: August 30, 2023, 01:27:05 PM
AG, my upgrades:

On the Eros II the only circuit upgrade is the output cap - Audyn MKP Plus 1.50mF ± 2%  800Vdc. The other mods are cosmetic, the custom chassis plate, covered toggle switch, and colorful tube shields. I did add an entirely unnecessary tube shield to the 12AU7, because fun.

The Moreplay is another matter. It has similar cosmetic mods to the Eros, although the chassis plate is also bigger (10x10) to accommodate the Nuetrik RCA's. Circuit wise I used 20 AWG 600V teflon insulated wire, Upgraded the audio-path caps, and added film bypass caps in the power supply. The potts and selector switch are all Gold point, and I upgraded the audio path resistors. Specific upgrade parts listed below.

By the way, I make no claims that my upgrade choices make any sense, particularly the Vishay naked z-foil's which are kind of ridiculous, especially when you consider the resistors in the attenuators, which are of course also audio-path. But, using naked z-foil's there would break the bank if you could even fit them in. I'm just having fun here. I will say though that the modified Moreplay does sound superb, although I don't claim it necessarily sounds better than a stock Moreplay. I do happen to have a stock Moreplay as well ... and I am hard pressed to tell. That said, all my listening is on the modded MP, of course!

Upgraded caps: Ck - Nichicon 220uf 50V electrolytic cap KZ MUSE, Cout - Audyn Cap Plus 2.2uF 800V, Bypass caps for Chv - Audyn Cap Q4 2.2uF 400V, and for Cdb1 - Dayton Audio 2.2 uF 250V cap (i used the provided power supply caps for Chv and Cdb1 themselves).

Goldpoint parts: Selector switch - Goldpoint 4P-3T-1D Selector, Balance Pott - Goldpoint V24C-2-1 Stepped Attenuator populated with IRC RC55 Resistor 4K3 ohm 1/4W 0.1% MF resistors & the stock 33kR replaced with - IRC RC55 Resistor 31K6Ω 1/4W 0.1% MF, Volume pott - Goldpoint V24-2-10K Stepped Attenuator (stock surface-mount R's) with a 3db (I think) Lpad made from IRC RC55 Resistor 75KΩ 1/4W 0.1% MF and IRC RC55 Resistor 8k66 ohm 1/4W 0.1% MF resistors. I used the provided resistors and diodes for the power supply and ground reference parts.

Signal path resistor upgrades: Rk - Vishay naked z-foil resistor 620 ohm 0.6W 1%, Rgs & Rp-g2 & Rout - Vishay naked z-foil resistor 220 ohm 0.6W 1%, RL - Mills resistor 10K ohm 5W 1%. 

The tubes I am using, that I like the best of several I have tried, are a matched pair of NOS 6V6GT J.A.N. Sylvania brown bases.

[U-Turn Theory > Hana MH > Eros II] & [iPhone via USB > Denafrips Ares 2] >> Moreplay >> Stereomour II >> Hsu ULS-15 Sub >> DIY DML Speakers
Moreplay 2nd out >> [Crack + Speedball > HD 650]


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Reply #6 on: August 31, 2023, 02:53:54 AM
AG, my upgrades:

On the Eros II the only circuit upgrade is the output cap - Audyn MKP Plus 1.50mF ± 2%  800Vdc. The other mods are cosmetic, the custom chassis plate, covered toggle switch, and colorful tube shields. I did add an entirely unnecessary tube shield to the 12AU7, because fun.

The Moreplay is another matter. It has similar cosmetic mods to the Eros, although the chassis plate is also bigger (10x10) to accommodate the Nuetrik RCA's. Circuit wise I used 20 AWG 600V teflon insulated wire, Upgraded the audio-path caps, and added film bypass caps in the power supply. The potts and selector switch are all Gold point, and I upgraded the audio path resistors. Specific upgrade parts listed below.

By the way, I make no claims that my upgrade choices make any sense, particularly the Vishay naked z-foil's which are kind of ridiculous, especially when you consider the resistors in the attenuators, which are of course also audio-path. But, using naked z-foil's there would break the bank if you could even fit them in. I'm just having fun here. I will say though that the modified Moreplay does sound superb, although I don't claim it necessarily sounds better than a stock Moreplay. I do happen to have a stock Moreplay as well ... and I am hard pressed to tell. That said, all my listening is on the modded MP, of course!

Upgraded caps: Ck - Nichicon 220uf 50V electrolytic cap KZ MUSE, Cout - Audyn Cap Plus 2.2uF 800V, Bypass caps for Chv - Audyn Cap Q4 2.2uF 400V, and for Cdb1 - Dayton Audio 2.2 uF 250V cap (i used the provided power supply caps for Chv and Cdb1 themselves).

Goldpoint parts: Selector switch - Goldpoint 4P-3T-1D Selector, Balance Pott - Goldpoint V24C-2-1 Stepped Attenuator populated with IRC RC55 Resistor 4K3 ohm 1/4W 0.1% MF resistors & the stock 33kR replaced with - IRC RC55 Resistor 31K6Ω 1/4W 0.1% MF, Volume pott - Goldpoint V24-2-10K Stepped Attenuator (stock surface-mount R's) with a 3db (I think) Lpad made from IRC RC55 Resistor 75KΩ 1/4W 0.1% MF and IRC RC55 Resistor 8k66 ohm 1/4W 0.1% MF resistors. I used the provided resistors and diodes for the power supply and ground reference parts.

Signal path resistor upgrades: Rk - Vishay naked z-foil resistor 620 ohm 0.6W 1%, Rgs & Rp-g2 & Rout - Vishay naked z-foil resistor 220 ohm 0.6W 1%, RL - Mills resistor 10K ohm 5W 1%. 

The tubes I am using, that I like the best of several I have tried, are a matched pair of NOS 6V6GT J.A.N. Sylvania brown bases.

WOW, I am not there yet. very impressive work you did and thanks for sharing. The potts  looks very well made. First I have to put my moreplay in place than I have some tubes in mind to have, then probably will jump for upgrades, beside the Eros II is in the list so I guess I will be busy for several weeks. I cant wait, tomorrow should arrive my first kit.

 Cheers form Fla.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2023, 03:00:09 AM by AG »