I'm assuming you have one of those resistor kits with values that are not the same as the Bottlehead ones. I have those kits too and what I usually do is use an additional resistor in series to get close until I can order the correct value. So say a 220 in series with a 22 will get you to 242.
The old Speedball big board used to use 2 resistors to do just that. (top photo)
Of course the 220 may work just fine. PB could answer that for sure.
You can also use resistors in parallel (bottom photo) to get the needed value. I did that with the small Speedball board in the past until I ordered the correct values. This was necessary for 12BH7 and E80CC usage.
If you used two 470 ohm resistors in parallel, the value would be 235. Pretty close to your 237.
Handy calculator for series and parallel determination: