I own a S.E.X. 2.0 that I built in February 2009, my first Bottlehead kit of many. For a cleaner product, I rebuilt the amp in 2014. In the process, I added some upgraded components, including an Alps potentiometer, Mundorf capacitors, the newer-style C4S boards, and the Bottlehead iron upgrade kit. I have not done any further work on the amp since then, but it still sees nearly daily use with headphones.
One of my favorite modifications was playing around with a bit of local feedback on the power triode sections to lower the output impedance for certain speakers and headphones. This was done with upgraded Magnequest iron, which I regrettably sold long ago, though I'm no less happy with the Bottlehead update. While not air-gapped, the MQ iron could take a bit of current on the secondaries before saturating, whereas the stock Specos could not. However, this was not really an issue with headphones, since it took so little to drive them. I have recently thought about revisiting that experiment to get my Grados to sound a bit cleaner in the bass frequencies, but wondered how up to the task the Bottlehead transformers might be. Since they are always used in parafeed designs, I am guessing they are not air-gapped. Will they tolerate any DC on the secondaries, and if so, how much?