Thanks for the prompt reply Grainger, much appreciated.
I think I've made some headway with this issue through experimenting with things this evening. I will spare you all the details as I have tried A LOT of different combinations of interconnects and grounding, etc. Touching the ground wire which I attached to the Seduction seemed to do absolutely nothing in most cases. In certain cases (such as touching the end stub on the Rega's tonearm) it made things worse. I would think this is because it is in fact creating a ground loop, since the Rega is already grounded through the phono lead.
Anyway, I decided to try and isolate the system. I moved the Rega, Seduction, and Crack to another place in the room and hooked them up together. Again, with shorting plugs installed both the Crack and Seduction were satisfactorily quiet. Only when adding the Rega to the equation did I get a ton of noise. Unfortunately, as mentioned above, no alternate grounding scheme seemed to help reduce the hum. Moving the phono leads, or any cables for that matter, did not result in any change.
For the hell of it, I popped open the lid on the Rega and moved the tonearm. And wouldn't you believe it-- the hum changed. Even disappeared at one point! I thought, maybe the cartridge was picking up interference from the Seduction. Moving the Seduction around (as opposed to the Rega) did nothing. Moving the Crack around did nothing as well. I tried moving the extension cord it was all plugged into. No change.
Soooo, the Rega is picking up stray EMI from something. What it is I have no idea. I guess there's no real option when it comes to trying to fix the issue at the Rega, since the cartridge is what it is, no?
Is this possible? None of my other equipment has this issue. Before I go moving a ton of stuff around, should I worry about devices that are not active/powered up? I can't see how they could be causing interference. Maybe it's my old CRT television? I'm glad I think I've made some headway with this, but unfortunately I feel like a whole new can of worms has been opened!
Any advice is much appreciated
UPDATE: Moved pretty much everything in the room whilst listening for a change in the noise. Unfortunately nothing I moved made any difference. I'm worried that it could be mains wiring in the apartment doing this? I do notice funky things going on with some of my other gear (guitar amp for example) on occasion so I wouldn't be surprised if there's something funky in the wiring of this place...