I was one of the guys who bought the "PBS Inspired" Crack Amp sale (I bought two, actually).
Having a poor weekend last week (my upstairs neighbor had a 1" water line break and flood her and my apartments for three hours before it got turned off), I was in need of some good vibes. So I threw together one of my Crack kits. Emphasis on "threw" as I managed to toast a few parts in the process. But I got it built while the carpet was being pulled back/pad being removed, drywall having holes cut in it, and blowers installed for four days.
I mangled some LEDs, a resistor (thanks Doc and Queen for replacements), and a cap and diodes (didn't realize this when I got my replacement parts...and some badges I was meaning to order). Note to self: self, don't work on amps when upset, lacking sleep, and generally in a poor mental state. On the other hand, it was great therapy and I managed to make a working headphone amp!
Well, kind of working...it sounded GREAT but there as a ton of noise. It sounded great but for the hum/buzz/whine. I couldn't figure that part out...everyone said it was pretty silent so I was perplexed. Swapped tubes. No help. Then I took some time off this weekend and came back to the obvious solution: rework my rectifier/first cap and see if that helps. Well, it did help. Now the Crack amp is silent and still sounds GREAT!
I built it without a volume pot because I use an optocoupler pre amp. I substituted the 100K pot with Kiwame "green" resistors but will probably swap them out for some PRP "reds" which I really like. The "greens" sound good...smooth and nice...but the "reds" are so clean and transparent. It's like they aren't even there.
I have two headphones that I'm able to use with the Crack: Sennheiser HD600 and MB Quart QP400. They both sound great...and different from each other, which is nice to be able to roll headphones.
I have to say this is the nicest headphone amp I've owned. I've got/had a couple of simple headphone amps, nothing special, so I'm no expert. But like you guys already know, this is something special when matched with proper impedance 'phones.
Once I get done with my move (yep, I'm moving next week...the flood? Missed moving by THAT much), I'll stain the base "Miniwax Ebony" and finish it up with a "Miniwax Satin Poly" both wiped on by hand and several layers of each. That will match my Stereomour very nicely. I also got a couple of BH badges, one for the Crack and one for the Stereomour.
What a great headphone amp and what a fun project to build! Just what I needed to make the raining day (inside) go away...
P.S. I've got two tubes I'm going to roll in place of the stock 6080s: first up, a 5998A GE JAN that should sound sweet, and, second up, a 1963 metal base 7236 Sylvania that I hope to be the bomb!
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 07:18:44 PM by InfernoSTi »
John Kessel
Hawthorne Audio AMT K2 Reference Speakers
Paramount 300B w/MQ All Nickel Iron, Mundorf S/G 5.5 uF, and Vcap Teflon .1 uF
Auralic Taurus Preamp/Auralic Vega DAC/Auralic Aries Streamer
and lots of room treatments!