Excellent! And now you know why the hum pot is on top of the chassis in the Paramour II. (You've probably already figured out why there's an IEC socket... :^)
Before the Paramour, and before we got into parafeed, I made a 2A3/300B amp based on the original SEX monoblocks. Must have been around 1997, documented in VALVE under the title "S.E.X. and the Single 300B" - Grainger, I'm sure you remember Helen Gurley Brown! It was the same chassis plate that was used for the first Paramour, and that's exactly the same place that I put the hum pot, for exactly the same reason.
It ran a little hot, about 18 watts, which is why we had a custom power transformer made for the Paramour. I had a bunch of cheap Shuguang biplate 2A3s; back then they had a habit of crapping out before they hit 1000 hours irrespective of the plate dissipation, so I thought "smoke 'em if you got 'em" ... that amp served me well for at least a decade. :^)