Shawn and I just did our first of the year system tune up. We had borrowed some of the components for demos the past few months, and installed a new preamp. So today we set up the measurement system and checked the room response. Whoa! Problems!
One thing we expected was that we needed to turn the woofers down a bit. We had been feeling that the new, flatter bass response we get with the 300B preamp prototype was telling us that we needed to back the bass off a couple of dB. A quick tweak of the active crossovers solved that.
But what about that hole at 2kHz!! After a few seconds of head scratching we remembered that we had removed the active crossover from the tweeters last year and gotten very flat response as a reward. This had mistakenly been put back together in the original way when we reinstalled some cables that were borrowed for a demo.
Once we had these things straightened out we remeasured our speaker distance and put a fresh tape marker on the floor to mark the sweet spot, replacing the one that had disappeared sometime last fall.
The end result was the system getting really good, a bit better than I remember hearing it last time I dialed it in - most likely due to the rockin' new preamp.
I heartily suggest everyone take some time to recheck all their cable polarity, remeasure speaker and listening positions, tighten to those binding posts and generally clean up connections and cable dress to be ready for the new year's upcoming music!