For those of you who don't know, last Wednesday my dad was told he needed a heart valve replaced, a bypass and a carotid artery unblocked, and they wanted to do this rather soon. His surgery was scheduled for yestereday and indeed did happen. Got a call from my mom at about 6:00 pm saying that he had just come out of surgery, did great and the docs were all very pleased with the operation and his condition. They then moved him to SICU where he will stay until this evenig or tomorrow afternoon assumigng all continues to go well, but so far, so good.
When we talked to them Sunday evening, both my mom and dad seemed in great spirits and my dad's attitude was basically that he was ready, calm, and really just wanting to get on with things so he could get back to his normal life, have more energy again, and just be himself.
Thanks all for all the good thoughts/wishes/prayers!
-- Jim
Jim Rebman -- recovering audiophile
Equitech balanced power; uRendu, USB processor -> Musette DAC -> 5670 tube buffer -> Finale Audio F138 FFX -> Cain and Cain Abbys near-field).
s.e.x. 2.1 under construction. Want list: Stereomour II
All ICs homemade (speaker and power next)