on: November 02, 2012, 03:31:09 PM
I put some mini BCP-16 nickel grid chokes in the PDG parafeed amp. It was a tight squeeze! i am glad they aren't picking up any hum! Sounds good so far! But i am also breaking in a pair of Robin Hood nickel output transformers too. (As well as some 3.3uf silver gold mundorf caps). (The white caps are modwright teflons Grainger:) Right now it sounds better than the sex 2.0 but i got some big cap surprises coming for the sex amp soon:) anyways this amp is pretty siiiick and awaiting c4s boards too...
But the MQ iron rocks! I could never have got regular sized grid chokes in there! Thanks Mikey!
And this amp started in a BH class and with PB's help has turned into a herculean version of the original! This amp was the first amp i had flames coming out of it too (due to switched resistors on the c4s)! It was just screaming "im burning for you" to me!
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 03:35:03 PM by tsingle999 »
SGC iTransporter with Qobuz & Roon to SIg Optical Rendu to BH DAC (Battery) / Wavelegth Crimson to BeePre to 300b(ehemoths) to Cain & Cain & Blumenstein Double Horn IM Ben
Bottlehead Stat headphone amp