I lucked out and snagged two NOS Tung-Sol 7802's on eBay for about $15/each - try that with a 5998! In any case, first impressions are very positive - huge soundstage, low distortion, and a very crisp sound, similar to the change I saw when going from a 6AS7 to the 2399 (e.g., 5988), but more pronounced. I can verify that the output impedance appears to be much lower than usual, as a pair of AKG's plugged into the Crack actually have bass, and a pair of Grados (32 ohm) play loudly and don't seem to have much different of a sound signature/balance when going between the Crack and an iPhone. (Normally, this is certainly not the case - they sound very strange when driven from 120 ohms). Coupling caps are 100uF JJ electrolytics, which I seem to like a lot, at least more so than the Dayton film caps I had in there previously. Sacrilege, I know....

Since these are supposedly NOS tubes, the transconductance has to be at or above 20,000 mho, which should mean about a 50 ohm output impedance in the cathode follower arrangement, correct? The 5998 has double the transconductance of a 6AS7 (e.g., 14,000 vs 7,000 mho), and the 7802 is almost three times the 6AS7. Even my 300 ohm Senns sound a bit better than usual, which makes me wonder if lowering the source impedance is either a) lowering distortion, which is already very low, or b) changing the damping factor and/or response curve of the drivers?
I am looking forward to seeing if this really makes a difference once my 600 ohm DT880's arrive, which I am going to give a try after not liking the 250 ohm "pro" variant with my pre-Bottlehead gear.