OK, sure enough, the C4S is not feeding the first plate (pin 1) of tube B.
There is a wire from that pin to the C4S, which connects to the middle leg of an MJE350. Check the voltage on that pin (carefully, don''t short it to either of the adjacent pins! If you get a high voltage then the problem is probably in the wire or solder joints along that path. If you still get nearly no voltage, then it's either the solder connections around that transistor or the nearby small transistor, or one of the transistors. Think bright light, powerful magnifying glass, and much patience.
A most likely candidate is the solder joint to the middle pin of the MJE350; that pin connects to the heat sink and absorbs heat from soldering, so it requires a bit longer contact with the soldering iron to get the pin hot enough for a good solder flow.