1) holding that magnificent readable piece of album art in my hand and very likely holding it the entire time I listen to the LP.
2) slicing open the plastic wrap with my thumbnail
3) pulling out the sleeve and being delighted that the lyrics, and maybe more, wait to be explored.
4) removing the vinyl and hearing the static as I slide the sleeve off.
5) looking at that pristine black slab with grooves that will shortly be playing music
6) placing it on the platter and giving it its initial light cleaning
7) picking up the tone arm and carefully placing it on the LP.

sitting back and waiting to hear a presentation from the artist in the manner, and order, in which they intended.
9) and finally, a very unscientific explanation, (as if the previous 8 were scientific ) hearing music that's alive.
I've always felt that listening to an LP was more often than not, an event. I have a killer sacd player and I love it, but I can skip over tracks like a mofo when I use it. Hell, how many songs would each of us have never heard, if we could easily have skipped the entire track while sitting on the couch after hearing only the intro. There are lots of songs that begin one way, and 20-30 seconds into the song, totally transform. I promise you there are entire songs on CDs that I've never heard more than the first 10-20 seconds because i didn't like the intro. I rarely if ever do that with LPs. Cd's are for listening fast and easy and they are great; admit it. But LP's force you to slow down and by god enjoy the experience and truly listen to that music come alive.
Esoteric DV-50, Technics SL1200-M3D, B&K Phono 10 Preamp, Sumiko Blue Point Special Evo III, Bottlehead Stereomour, Orca's