Just to give you something else to think about. After spending quite some time with this myself, more hours reading articles and reviews than I would like to admit, and several experiments I ended up with the following as my favorite.
(6) 0.5mm solid silver core wires, individually wrapped in cotton tubing, and then braided in a flat 6 wire braid, with (2) of the wires for positive and (4) for negative. I then hand wrap them in teflon tape before feeding them through tube copper mesh shielding. Then sheerly for aesthetics I have polyester mesh tubing over that. I use Eichmann Bullet plugs and ground one side of the shielding to the tightening screw on the downstream end of the wire.
I also use this configuration for my speaker wires. I use (6) twisted pairs of cat5 instead of silver solid core though and I don't ground the sheilding.
The only wires that I have found that I thought sounded better in my system all cost about as much as my car, so I have stuck with these.
Individual results may vary:)