For the BH DAC I've included the capability to have a display of the sample rate. This is via an edge connector on the top panel, a display board plugs into this connector. For those that don't want a display, don't plug one in. The display is designed to be completely static during music playing, the only time there will be any changes on the traces to the display board is when the sample rate changes. Thus there should be no sonic degradation from having a display.
There are two common ways to display sample rate, one is a separate LED for each rate, that would be 8 LEDs. The other would be three seven segment digits displaying the number.
Which would people prefer? It's theoretically possible to have more than one type available and just plug in a different board. Supporting more than one type takes more programming, and I have to design the main board to support it, but it certainly can be done. But if everybody wants one type, there is no reason to add the capability to have different types.
Now for the big one, dimming. Most displays implement dimming with pulse width modulation, this is simple and easy to implement, BUT it means there are clocks and changing signals constantly emitting RFI into your environment. I refuse to do this.
There IS a way to do dimming without PWM, but it takes an adjustable CCS for every LED on the display, thus 8 for the LED per rate, and 21 for the seven segment display. This can be done, but adds a lot of complexity and expense to the display board.
So the big question is: how many of you would be willing to spend an extra $150 or more for a display board with dimming?
And of course Doc needs to chime in on this to let us know how he would like to sell this, do you get to choose one board or the other with the purchase, or have them as separate boards that those who want a display can buy, or the purchase comes with one and you can buy others if you wish.
And of course I have to mention that long term I would like to develop a Nixie tube display, but that is probably way off in the future.
John S.