After starting a pole in "headphones" I am curious as to what amplifiers you guys are using. Please put down all the amps you may have, even quantity, all counts for 1 "point". Also please check out my
Headphone pole in headphone catagory.
Just to recap, all amps count. If you have 300 cracks, not a problem, thats 300 ticks for that catagory. Vote for all the amps you have. A amplifer such as S.E.X that does speakers and headphones qualifies, headphone amps obviously qualitfy, but sole speakers amps do not. Amps and DACs in one (asus xonar, sennheiser HDVD800) do count
1) Bottlehead Amplifer (Crack, S.E.X, Mainline(no brainer)
2) Bryston Amplifier
3) Sennheiser HDVA 600 or HDVD 800
4) Burson Audio Amplifier
5) Woo Audio Amplifier
6) HiFiman Amplifier
7) ECP Amplifier
Other Amplifier
Personally 1 Crack, 1 Bryston BHA-1, 1 Senn HDVA 600, 1 Burson Soloist, 1 ECP Audio L2