Removing the LED's was easier than I thought. The leads are close enough to heat both pads at the same time. On the other side of the board I grabbed the plastic body of the LED with needle nose pliers and applied gentle pressure outward. Piece of cake.
While removing the LED's I paid close attention to the orientation. I was hoping to find a smoking gun but they were installed the way I remember when I built the boards. Darn.
So I went back to the instructions and read the section regarding the LED installation. Then I saw it. The B side LED's were supposed to be in reverse orientation from the A side on the C4S boards. I missed that part and installed them in the same direction (cathode (silver stripe) all in the square shaped solder pad) like on the SR board. BTW the instructions were crystal clear about this. It was just a bone head mistake on my part. I usually don't miss details like that. I make no excuses, it just happened. {smacks self in head}
Powered up and all the LED's illuminated. Moved on to checking voltages and everything was in spec.

Installed into my main system rack and she is providing beautiful music to my Paramour II's.
In retrospect the dark LED's on the B side of the C4S boards should have been a dead giveaway. Oh well, live and learn.
Big thanks to all that helped especially PB! This was a humbling experience and I'm eating a big piece of humble pie.