New website coming

Doc B. · 944

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on: December 16, 2013, 05:40:56 PM
Just got to preview our new website. Mike Muncy and Josh Perelli of Helix Creative have done an awesome job of bringing the site up to the level of the rest of the business (and Doc learns a bit more each day about letting go and letting professionals do the work)

I think you will really appreciate the vastly improved navigation and simplicity. We had a good sized laundry list of little bugs and quirks we needed to work out and the guys really took our requests to heart. The forum will stay pretty much the same, and we will be adding a blog in which to subject you to our spew.

We will be launching the site after we recover from the holiday rush. And by the way thanks for making this the rushingest rush ever! Josh and Eileen have been working super hard to get as many kits as possible to arrive before Xmas. If you are a procrastinator like me and do your ordering at the last minute we will get your kit to you as soon as possible after Xmas day.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 09:24:47 AM by Doc B. »

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.