Tode First Power Up - Sparklers!

TubeTim · 11589

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on: January 20, 2014, 07:36:07 AM

Well, my luck ran out...  Was able to build a Mainline that worked at first power up.  For the Tode, it didn't go so well.  The EL84 tube did a nice Sparks show internal to the tube.  I figure that tube is toast - and any further testing with that tube is futile -  Correct?

A missed solder joint on a ground connection was likely the cause. 

BTW what does Tode mean?  Google search didn't help.  Not a musician, so the meaning escapes me.



Offline Paul Birkeland

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Reply #1 on: January 20, 2014, 09:20:17 AM
"Tode" was derived from "pentode", as both the tubes in the Tode are pentodes.

If you ended up discovering a funky joint, you can try powering on the Tode again with the same EL84.  It can be shocking and somewhat magnificent to observe how much abuse certain tubes can take! 

Paul "PB" Birkeland

Bottlehead Grunt & The Repro Man

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Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 05:47:57 PM
Thanks for the explanation of Tode

I don't have a guitar (building this amp was for fun) therefore I don't have a proper input device.  So, with a 2 wire jack plugged in and the 2 wires shorted to each other (input grounded), the sparking EL84 settled down.   It is however mighty hot, to hot to touch.  The feedback is set to 'creamy'.

I realize tubes get hot but this bad boy seems a bit to much.  Maybe I'm to used to parts that run on 1.1 V-DC.

Removing the input short, one can touch the input lead and hear a nice 60 cycle hum, as expected.  The brake works as expected with hum getting louder / softer based on brake setting.  The input is mighty sensitive and I wonder if  anyone can suggest an input device to use to test?  Maybe a line-out dropped thru a 10:1 voltage divider?

The voltage readings on the back terminal strip are:

1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - did not measure
4 - did not measure
5 - 414
6 - 0
7 - 0
8 - 0
9 - 207
10- 414
11 - 300

The AC power shows 119.3 V-AC on meter.   Terminals 3 & 4 I couldn't not probe comfortably.

Do these voltages look in the ball park?

A 1.6k resistor is between terminals 5 and 11, we have power in said resistor =
   V2 / R =  1142 / 1600  = 8.122 watts. 
That is within the power limits but that puppy sure gets hot also.  Also the 560 ohm 5 watt resistor gets to hot to touch.  Maybe I'm to used to micro-power stuff....

I'll order up a new EL84 just to be on the safe side.

Many Thanks for your help!!


Offline Paul Birkeland

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Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 06:29:34 PM
Yeah, you're in the ballpark.

Yes, the resistors get hot.  They are inside the chassis so that you won't touch them ;)

Paul "PB" Birkeland

Bottlehead Grunt & The Repro Man

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Reply #4 on: January 21, 2014, 05:40:07 AM
  The input is mighty sensitive and I wonder if  anyone can suggest an input device to use to test?

How about a guitar player?

Electric guitar pickups put out about 250-500 mV. You could also try a dynamic microphone or an electronic keyboard.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
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Bottlehead Corp.

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Reply #5 on: January 21, 2014, 05:21:19 PM

Hi Doc B,

I didn't think I knew any guitar players but a buddy of mine just happened to mention he played and agreed to give it a go.  Will also try the dynamic mic.  For some strange reason I'd like to build a Crystal radio and give it a go thru this amp.

Thanks for the info about a guitar pickup. This is very good to know.

Attached is a (rather poor) image of the front portion of the Tode.  It was a fun kit to build and not particular difficult.

Will I hate myself for routing the A-C filament wires in parallel with the signal wires from A to B tube?  The filament wire is shielded so it should be okay, but???

Best Regards,

Offline TubeTim

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Reply #6 on: January 23, 2014, 05:24:13 PM
Took The Tode to a friend who has several guitars and agreed to test the new amp.  He plugged one in and nadda.  Absolutely no sound.  I knew that couldn't be right as I could touch the tip of the input on the test bench and hear AC hum.  Luckily he had a second sound cord, plugged it in and beautiful sounds!   They commented how clean the amp sounded.  It's also loud enough to use in a small bar gig they thought.  We only had it cranked up 2/3 of the way too.


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Reply #7 on: June 03, 2014, 04:30:43 PM
It can be shocking and somewhat magnificent to observe how much abuse certain tubes can take!

I have done some reading about tubes.  If one searches for 3cx800A7 you'll eventually land on a Ham Radio ops page who knows a lot of the care and feeding of these tubes and their big brothers.  At $1k a pop they take good care of them.  Some of the tubes, (3-500Z) they say to run slightly cherry red to act at the 'getter' function. 

After reading about these, your are absolutely correct, the tubes can take a lot of abuse.  Being hot to the touch is not even close, of course.

Now have to figure out how to drive a 3cx800A7 with the Tode and get 800 watts out.