Fostex fe206en in Vulcan blh just finished...or started

ee · 5253

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Offline ee

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I started a speaker build project back in April and finally finished a few weeks ago. A buddy convinced me to go with a single driver setup and diy for speakers and amp. I had never used a table saw,jig,router, more than 2 wood clamps, or more than one finishing method. It was a blast and it definitely was good to do for the soul.
Next is the start the Stereomour 2a3.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 05:42:39 AM by ee »

Bottlehead Stereomour 2a3
Fostex FE206En in Vulcan (BIB BLH)
VPI Scout 1.1 with classic platter
Lyra Delos
Manley Chinook phono pre
Creek Destiny 2 CD
Audio Art Power Cables

Offline JamieMcC

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Reply #1 on: August 28, 2014, 05:45:31 AM
Awesome job well done, are you going to call them Hulksters? They look big green and mean in the pic which kind of reminds me of the Incredible Hulk  ;D

Shoot for the moon if you miss you will still be amongst the stars!

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #2 on: August 28, 2014, 06:02:01 AM
Looks good and it's great to see some room treatment. It is such an important part of the system.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.

Offline ee

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Reply #3 on: August 28, 2014, 07:57:02 AM
Yeah room treatment is so important I've learned over the past year or so. I did have a couple panels behind the speakers but have moved them so far mainly because they are not symmetrical wtih the blh speakers. I had some medium-small size tower speakers before that sat about 7ft from the wall. We did an informal recording one night for our men's group which was just us talking but the guy doing the recording said it was pretty flat and would make his work easy. So I know I haven't just wasted time.
Anyone toying with the idea of building room treatments should do it. WAF was very very very low. I even painted my first set to match our walls. She eventually submitted. But I also built them 6"deep so they didn't exactly disappear on the wall. The trick was to make them almost floor to ceiling 18-24" off floor and same to ceiling. If they had been 2-3" d it would have been a bit less obvious. It really will let you here more into a recording and not just taking what your room will throw at you.
Originally I was going to us a brown stain I liked but it need something. So I thought I would dye the first layer green then put the stain on top going after a tobaccoish leafy color. After the dye went on though that was it. Plus the person that created the speaker design named them after a bomber and bombers can be green. So I get to acknowledge him in that regard.

Bottlehead Stereomour 2a3
Fostex FE206En in Vulcan (BIB BLH)
VPI Scout 1.1 with classic platter
Lyra Delos
Manley Chinook phono pre
Creek Destiny 2 CD
Audio Art Power Cables

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #4 on: August 28, 2014, 09:39:34 AM
I think you should paint the speakers to look like RAF roundels.


Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.