This is probably not really a useful venue for discussing this, but after doing some research I decided to rebuild my dead Speedotron 2403CX studio strobe power supply. I knew it was fading for many years and decided it was time to fix it in preparation for a photo shoot of my soon to be completed motorcycle project. Just to see where it was at I plugged it in yesterday, and sure enough after about 15 minutes one of the dozen 30 year old bigass caps inside let go with a mighty steam bath. The price of a new 2403CX is pushing $2K. Used ones on the bay were going for around $600 last time I looked. And they probably have their own 30 year old caps inside, waiting to burst.The only thing wrong with this supply seems to be the ancient caps, so recapping seems to make sense.
One of the neat things about the steady march of technology is that high quality high voltage caps can now be had for a lot less than they used to cost. In the past B&H photo sold Speedotron replacement caps for something like $60 each, so a recap would be $720 in parts alone. PB found a similar cap from Digi Key for a much more reasonable price, and so we ordered up a dozen, will recap the supply next week and see how it works. If it is successful we can probably offer a recap service for Speedotron power supplies.
Speaking of obscure recap services, we do recaps of Hammond organ tone wheel generators too.