I damaged the 2907 transistor on the "B" side of one C4S board when I was performing the voltage check after assembly (see previous post).
I received my replacement parts and rebuilt the C4S board. I replaced both 2907 transistors, one of the MJE5731A transistors, all four diodes and a resistor that was out of spec. Resistance readings were normal. When I did the voltage check the tubes glowed as expected but only one of the four new diodes came on. Voltage readings on the B side were:
terminal specified value actual value
11 146 146
15 186 149
16 5 5.1
17 90 - 110 143
19 9.85 9.75
I resoldered the C4S and most of the wiring on the left channel power path. When I powered on the preamp, three of the four diodes were glowing. When I touched terminal 11with my DMM probe to take a voltage reading, there was a slight spark and the two diodes on the "B" side of the C4S went out and the 2907 transistor shorted. Is there an easy explanation why probing terminal 11 shorted out my transistor for the second time? I triple checked that the transistor orientation was correct. What else can I test to help determine which part of the power path wiring on that channel may be causing the low voltage on terminal 15? Is an unlit diode either a symptom or a cause of the voltage irregularities?