Actually, the Alps Blue velvet pots can be had for a little less than 1/2 the price of the PEC from what I have seen. About 12 - 14 dollars at Mouser. Twice that through audio parts suppliers. I think they are great value for the money ... especially in terms of tracking at low volume but I think it sounds just fine. The PEC is supposed to be a nice pot and only in the 30 dollar range so not super expensive. I'll probably give one a try after a while just to see if I can hear a difference. If I had to pay $25 or so for the ALPS, I probably would have spend the extra 10 bucks on the PEC.
Outputs caps fit will depend on what caps you decide on. Something smaller, relatively speaking, like the Solen, Axon, Erse, Mundorf MKP etc. is actually a pretty easy fit. I went with the Mundorf MKP's. They sound nice in Crack, I think. I dont detect the "glare" that the Solens can sometimes impart. It's an upgrade from the stock electrolytics that isnt difficult to detect but the stock caps dont sound bad at all. The film caps are a bit smoother sounding and a bit more detailed and treble seems just a bit more extended as well. I know that one Bottlehead reported a little lighter bass from whatever film cap they used (may have been solen or axon). I havent noticed any less bass with the Mundorfs. I think it was definitely a worthwhile upgrade, eventhough the Mundorf mkps arent considered high end or boutique caps.