You are starting to uncover why we don't have a 12AU7 preamp anymore. If we presume a C4S is used as loading, a single half of a 12AU7 has a voltage gain of roughly 25dB or so depending on the operating point.
If you have the standard 2V of signal coming from your source, then a wide open Foreplay would try to make that 35-45V, which is unreasonable. (Our amplifiers, and most amplifiers in existence for that matter, don't want to see more than 5V at their input for full power)
To combat this, there is preattenuation in the Foreplay III circuit in the form of that fan of resistors by the selector switch. Each resistor pads an input, and with sufficient padding everything works nicely. If you have a Foreplay III that's just too dang loud on ever setting, try measuring each of those resistors and let us know what they are. I, for one, would likely just set them all around 300K-400K, to be somewhere in the neighborhood of unity voltage gain.