I also installed mine and noticed an immediate change - haven't had a chance to critically listen yet - but sounds meatier even on my Spotify streaming from my iPhone to Airport Express. Felt a bit of the stress of a brain surgeon while doing the detail work on the tube sockets trying to squeeze the soldering iron in without melting something....
What tubes are you running in your Eros and how do you like your Bitfrost?
Paul and co have described the upgrade as an improvement in dynamic performance - I think this is spot on. I agree , the install was kind of stressful mostly because I had to some large capacitors to maneuver around. In the end, I had to get taller stand offs as the board would not fit. Working on those tube sockets was certainly a test in dexterity - it made me think about how good a dentist would be putting these kits together. No joke, it took me around 4 hours

Also, the 12AT7 filaments are now much brighter - which I thought was pretty cool. I have all the upgrades bottlehead offers for the Stereomour II - I really think the shunt regulator made the most immediate improvement.
I don't want to highjack the thread but I absolutely love my Eros. I'm running EF86 telefunkens which I think really improved the treble energy in my system. I've noticed a bit more gain as well. Note, I'm running a 0.47uF Clarity CMR in the output stage. I felt this was an even more substantial upgrade in this regard. The Bifrost is great - a beautiful design and totally sufficient for my digital needs. To be honest these days I'm spending much more time listening to my analog system, especially for critical listening and dinner parties

I have tidal and amarra which I use primarily to listen to new music and if I like it, I end up buying the LP.
Have fun dudes!
« Last Edit: December 09, 2016, 06:39:18 AM by amritdesai »
Zu Audio soul Mk II, w radian 475
Zu Mission Cables
Stereomour II, JJ 2a3 40
Clearaudio Concept Wood Ortofon Black
Eros Phono Pre
Schiit Bifrost DAC
Synergistic Research Black Fuses