Troubleshooting voltage issues

rockpassion · 8172

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Offline rockpassion

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on: February 21, 2013, 01:33:12 PM
I have finished my BeePre build and am checking the resistance and voltage.  All my resistance readings are looking good but some of the Voltage on the B side are out of tolerance.  All the tubes on both the A and B side are glowing.  The diodes on the A side are all glowing and the Voltage is within tolerance.  However, the B side is off and the diodes are not glowing.  Here are my readings;

Terminal                               Voltage (DC)              Should be
11                                           163.8                         146 +/- 1%
12                                           0                                 0
13                                           0                                 0
14                                           0                                 0
15                                           165.4                          186
16                                           5.1                               5
17                                           165.3                          90-110
18                                           0                                 0
19                                           9.89                            9.85
20                                           0                                  0
21                                           0                                  0
22                                           220.2                           213
23                                           0                                  0
24                                           0                                  0
25                                           219.9                           213
26                                           0                                  0
27                                           0                                  0
28                                           0                                  0
29                                           6.85                             6.8
30                                           6.86                             6.8
31                                           13.73                           13.6
32                                           0                                  0
33                                           0                                  0
34                                           14.11                           13.6
35                                           7.03                             6.8
36                                           7.04                             6.8
37                                           0                                  0
38                                           0                                  0
39                                           0                                  0
40                                           207.3                           213
41                                           0                                  0
42                                           0                                  0
43                                           206.8                           213
44                                           0                                  0
45                                           0                                  0
46                                           206.8                           213

B2                                           0                                  0
b3                                           164.4                           90-110

D3                                           4.98                             3.5-4.5
d7                                            162.4                          147
D9                                           162.2                           147

Thanks before hand for any help that can be given.


Richard Vince

VPI MkIV, Woody Tonearm w/Shelter 501 MkII Cart. w/Soundsmith rebuild, Cinemag CMQEE-3440A SUT, Eros Phono Preamp, Beepre Preamp , QuickSilver V4 Amps, DIY 89259 Speaker Cables  & interconnects, VH Audio Power Cables, OPPO 205 Player, DIY 3 way speakers

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 02:06:40 PM
Looks to me like both the tube and the LED bias string are not conducting. So it could be a bad connection at the PC board under that 300B. You might want to make sure you have good connections at all solder pads, no miswires to the board and no solder bridges on the board, either top or bottom.  Might also be a bad LED, but eliminate other possibilities first.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.

Offline rockpassion

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Reply #2 on: February 21, 2013, 06:43:44 PM
Doc I found the problem, you were right I had a wire out of place.  Fixed the problem and everything checked out.  I am listening right now and all that can say is wow!!!.  Clarity and depth to the sound stage, my system always had decent breadth to the sound stage but it was not real deep, it is now.  And the clarity is stunning.  I am listening to Cowboy Junkies Trinity session on CD and there is more detail than I have ever heard before.  Lastly, it is phenomenally musical.  With the balance I can dial it into fit the room much better than before. 

I bought the sorbathane feet you recommended.  I will post the details of what I hear when I get them. 

While the kit was the most complicated kit I have tried your instructions were fantastic.  The pictures really helped in some cases.  Good job to you and your crew.  To anyone building or wanting to build this kit just take your time and double check your work.  No matter how good the instructions are it is amazing how you either misread, misinterpret, or simply make a mistake so take it slow and you will definitely be rewarded. 

Thanks again for the wonderful kit and product.  You have made my week.


Richard Vince

VPI MkIV, Woody Tonearm w/Shelter 501 MkII Cart. w/Soundsmith rebuild, Cinemag CMQEE-3440A SUT, Eros Phono Preamp, Beepre Preamp , QuickSilver V4 Amps, DIY 89259 Speaker Cables  & interconnects, VH Audio Power Cables, OPPO 205 Player, DIY 3 way speakers

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #3 on: February 21, 2013, 06:46:31 PM
Alright! Good job of sorting! You just made the week of everyone involved in the project. Thank you!

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.

Offline Jim R.

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Reply #4 on: February 23, 2013, 06:02:57 AM
Hey Richard,

Congratulations on getting the first BeePree working!

I'm looking forward to hearing from the others that are putting them together right now as well.  Sounds like another off-the-charts winner from the BH gang!

-- Jim

Jim Rebman -- recovering audiophile

Equitech balanced power; uRendu, USB processor -> Musette DAC -> 5670 tube buffer -> Finale Audio F138 FFX -> Cain and Cain Abbys near-field).

s.e.x. 2.1 under construction.  Want list: Stereomour II

All ICs homemade (speaker and power next)

Offline denti alligator

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Reply #5 on: February 23, 2013, 09:33:31 AM
How about a picture?

- Sam

Rega P3-24 (w/AT 150MLX) w/Groovetracer upgrades / Eros II / FLAC >J.River >DSD256 >Gustard X20 / Moreplay > Stereomour II / Klipsch Forte II w/Crites upgrades / C4S S.E.X. 2.0 +Nickel MQ Iron / Speedball Crack / Sennheiser HD600 w/Cardas cable

Offline KevO

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Reply #6 on: February 24, 2013, 10:02:53 AM

Great job! Thanks for posting the review. Your description of the BeePree sound is just what I hoped for.

You have motivated me to get soldering.

Mine is in the box still, but the bench is clean and ready to go.


Offline rockpassion

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Reply #7 on: February 24, 2013, 05:33:40 PM

I finished my Eros about a month ago and it was hooked into a Foreplay II.  I did not think it could get better.  Since last Thursday I have been listening to LP's.  The Eros/BeePre is pure magic; musical, detailed and a soundstage to die for. This combo really puts Cd's to shame.

So don't hesitate get going and I hope you find it as unbelievable as I do.


Richard Vince

VPI MkIV, Woody Tonearm w/Shelter 501 MkII Cart. w/Soundsmith rebuild, Cinemag CMQEE-3440A SUT, Eros Phono Preamp, Beepre Preamp , QuickSilver V4 Amps, DIY 89259 Speaker Cables  & interconnects, VH Audio Power Cables, OPPO 205 Player, DIY 3 way speakers