I've just gotten my Crackatwo back from repair, and unfortunately it still is not right and I was hoping I could get yet more help with it. It booted up just fine the first time, so it was at least fine when it got to me. I changed the tubes and when I turned it on later, I got a loud humming in the left channel. Thinking something had shook loose in shipping I reheated all the joints in the amp, but when I checked voltages this is what I got:
Low Current C4S
IA 149.4
OA 80.5
KregA 3.755
bRegA 149.5
IB 189.7
OB 80.1
KregB 17.46
bRegB 189.9
High Current C4S
B side
IA 186
OA 149.4
bA 0
IB 0
OB 90.2
bB 149.4
D side
IA 192.5
OA 190
bA 0
IB 0
OB 117.2
bB 189.9
I noticed when I was checking voltages that when I start it up, all the LEDs light, aside from the 2 at the rear of the D side - they light up for a brief second, then die down. The one on the right stays lit very dimly, the other goes completely out.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how this amp got repaired, went literally to every corner of North America shipping back to me, turned on fine, only for me to do nothing but change the tubes and completely kill it? Any help is much appreciated!