Update on Crackatwoa - noise/other - noticed something different today.
TwoQuiet volume at -45dB coarse, 0dB fine.
PC -> Jitterbug USB -> Wyrd USB -> Modi MB USB -> RCA out ->
center RCA terminals C2A (input #2). Issue:Sounds great, but when I set the selector switch to input #3 on the C2A I can still hear audio, but at a
very low volume.
Switch selector input #2 - all sounds well and has normal volume.
Switch selector input #1 - I can still hear audio, but now at an even lower volume than selector input #3.
Inputs #1 and #3 show an increase in volume (still very quiet) when I turn up and down the coarse and fine settings respectively.
This is all done with the RCA's on the center terminals (input #2) on the C2A with TwoQuiet (not that the TwoQuiet is the issue).
Same issue occurs when RCA's are physically on the left most terminals (#3) - I can hear audio from input selector #2, and more quiet on input selector #1.
Same issue occurs when RCA's are physically on the right most terminals (#1) - Audio from input selector #2 and #3 are now the most quiet out of all tests. I need to turn up the coarse switch to -36dB or higher to hear. Audio also shifts towards the left ever so slightly on input #3 during this section of the test.
I've braided the signal wiring. I am not running RCA shorting caps yet - picking some up soon.I enjoy fixing issues, which is why I'd like to pursue fixing the noise/audio from non-connected terminals, even if the issue isn't bad for the amplifier.
Is this something that should be fixed or is it just something to work on without urgency?
Thank you