I recently sold my S.E.X. 3.0 with C4S upgrade to a friend. A few days ago while he was standing in a room adjacent to where the amp was, he heard a loud popping sound and looked over to see sparks inside of one of the tubes. He ran over, shut off the power, replaced the tube and found that the left channel is no longer working, and the left driver of his HD650's is blown.
He asked me to look it over and see if I can fix it for him. I've run all the resistance checks for the kit that the instructions call for before the C4S upgrade. All those check out. Decided to insert the tubes and apply some voltage. Tubes glow fine, but the LED's on the right side of the C4S board as you look at it laid on the amp's top no longer light up. Checked the voltage on OA and OB. OA reads 64.7, but OB is way off the scale and 305 volts.
Which component or components on that board should be replaced? Should anything else in the amp's circuit be checked? I noticed that the resistor attached to terminals 33 and 21 looks a bit discolored like it's radiated quite a bit of heat.