Speedball upgrade - small board: One LED not lighting, one V reading out of spec

Luxifer · 4218

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Offline Luxifer

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I am pretty sure I cut the leads to the resistors too close to the resistor body to re-use them. Unless there is some technique to re-attach wires that doesn't leave them brittle? I tried to solder them, but I was soldering between two flat faces, and the result was very brittle.

Are there any important specifications to the resistor, besides it being 22.1 kOhms? I can likely find one in the city I'm in, and test using that.

Online Paul Birkeland

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20K-24K is going to work fine.  I'd look for a resistor that's around 1/2-1W.

Paul "PB" Birkeland

Bottlehead Grunt & The Repro Man

Offline Luxifer

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Tested with some 22 kOhm resistors, and all was good, so I went ahead with the replacement part build, installed the rest of the Speedball, and everything is working perfectly.

Thanks so much for your help!