Ha! I'm becoming acclimated to about to be using a tube that for the first time that doesn't have an unfathomably, overwhelmingly, impossibly large number of ceaselessly, hotly debated variants. I have worn output tubes to the nub (with several taking themselves out, occasionally with some drama), but very, very few smaller signal tubes. Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't have an ample store - well, more like hoard - of all the tubes I'll never possibly be able to consume to their last functional electron.
I have long ago gotten sober in my tube acquisition - and savvy about rolling. Experience can be useful.
Enjoying my Crack + Speedball, I like the way it sounds with just about any 12AU7 and 6080 combo, but I have certainly have rolled into some favorite duos. I was already hyper replete with 12AU7s coming into my Crack adventure. The 6080 was new to me. I now have a nice collection of 6080s and 6AS7Gs. The 12AU7 is a monstrously extensive family. The 6080 realm, much more delimited - and that can be kinda nice.
I've mentioned it before. Tube rolling is at the same time both a boon and a bane. I'm at peace with the relative dearth of 6FJ7 variation, and from what I can see the 6DN7 world isn't too much more extensive. And some folks have reported to me that there isn't such great sonic seasoning range among the different 6FJ7s.
I see GE and Sylvania 6FJ7s. That's a compact Compatron universe. Is there anything else? Who else made the 6FJ7? Can't I get at least a Tung Sol 6FJ7? Just one - well, two - 6FJ7s made by Tung Sol? Just for fun?