The LEDs are not used as indicators - they are "band gap" voltage references used in the current sources for the driver and its shunt regulator. If some of them are not glowing, it means the driver stage is not working correctly. The measured DC voltages, when you have them, will help diagnose the cause.
The amps put out 8 watts at maximum, and in my system at least, the Foreplay has much more than enough gain to drive the amp to clipping. Since I don't know the sensitivity of the speakers you are using, the output voltage of your source, or what exactly "as loud as you would think" means, I can't say much more yet.
One of the more common mods to a Foreplay is to reduce its gain, in cases of hair-trigger volume controls. It seems to me that might be a place to start - can you post a picture of the interior of the Foreplay?