Hi CORedhawk,
Welcome and congrats on ordering your kit! I'm sure you'll enjoy the build.
What I did when I built my Mainline was to get ziplock sandwich bags, and when the kit arrived I checked off all the parts against the parts list, and eg. put #4 nuts in one bag - and labelled it, #6 nuts in the next bag and labelled it, #6 lockwashers in the next..... etc.
So I ended up with all the parts checked off the parts list - all present and correct, no lost screws on the floor

and super easy to find the right part as I followed each step in the build.
I also tested all the components that I could do easily - eg resistors with my multimeter -
before I soldered them into the kit.
It can be easy to mistake a 1K for a 10K or a 200 ohm for a 200K ohm if you're not familiar with reading the colour codes and much better to get it right first time, than have to troubleshoot and de-solder / repair etc.
Does the above slow you down? Yes and no. The build is slower, yes, but the troubleshooting can be reduced to none.
As others have said, take your time and enjoy it. If you're not sure, stop and post a question, there are plenty of folk on here that will jump in to help.
Have fun!